

How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet

How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet

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  • 发布时间:2022-01-03
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【概要描述】How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet

How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet

【概要描述】How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet

  • 分类:新闻
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  • 发布时间:2022-01-03
  • 访问量:0

How to pick the flute and whistle of the clarinet  People who want to know this believe most are beginners, People who have just started or want to learn about it, In fact, the clarinet flute uses the same principle as the saxophone flute head, We need to know that the clarinet play is controlled by the mouth shape and breath, The choice of flute heads and whistle pieces is particularly important, So how do you choose from it, First of all, beginners suggest that the 4c or 5c flute is easier to play, Then there is the sentinel selection, People with less strength play a little thin whistle, People with great strength can choose thicker whistles, This is mainly a habit of watching, Choose a good whistle you can practice playing with the flute, This is a more labor-saving kind, Choose that more and more people choose to play the clarinet, Not only does it sound beautifully, Why not can playing musical instruments still edify their sentiment?So whether you're a professional or amateur or beginner, it may not be easy to pick a suitable flute head.The best flute head or the best one that suits you can make you play very comfortable and can help you reach the sound you want with minimal effort.This means that you have to choose the right tuyere and flute head type number.



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